is a subject about which I first posted in AC #22. I teach this subject in depth to intermediate and advanced students who want to undertake and learn this demanding style of piano playing.
However, in this post, I won’t “talk shop” or speak to you about any techniques on how to play them.
Instead, I’ll focus the video spotlight on Milt Buckner and Andre Persiany (sometimes spelled “Persiani”) and let them show and give us some examples of how block chords sound and how much fun they can be as the two of them stage a very humorous and playful piano battle.
The overall quality of the video isn’t the best ever produced but the most important things about the clip still shine through! Several quotes! Lots of fun & love!
Since this is a “watching and listening post” only, let’s start by watching these two masters at work. Enjoy!
Four select audio-only clips that showcase more of Milt Buckner‘s “block chord” Style!
If you’re interested in adding more block chord stylings to your piano playing, be sure to listen to more of Milt Buckner in this context and the any of the many pianists like George Shearing who cite him as their main influence for adding the block chord style to their pianistic abilities.
Well, it looks like Milt and his friend may soon drive off in their band truck after the photo op, so I’ll hop into my Radio Flyer wagon and head home to study.

“Gotta get to my study room!”
See you next post!