One sure way to guarantee that you will never get any better or improve is to not practice!
On the other hand…
One sure way to guarantee that you will definitely get better and improve is to practice! Daily!
It’s that simple!
If you need some ideas about things on which you might work in your “practice room”, bookmark this post so you can easily return to “The Virtual Lecture Hall” from time to time to jot down a couple of suggested practice items you’ll see me “write” on the chalkboard.
Now without knowing your current level of musical development or your specific needs, I won’t be able to coach you as effectively as if you were one of my online or in-office students. Nonetheless, I think it’s a good idea to focus and practice on one or a few items at a time.
The “talking points” I brought with me in this version are appropriate for beginner to advanced students. So, each time you click my picture, I’ll go over to the chalkboard and write something that may or may not be appropriate for you. I’ll trust you to know which points speak to you. Have fun!
The Virtual Lecture Hall
If you need some assistance with any of the suggested VLH practice items, contact me anytime. I’m always glad to hear from you.
See you next post… practice well!