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"Gotta get to my study room!"

AC #59 Website Update August 2016

quick-note Hey! I gotta get right back to work so this blog post is a really quick-note!  

Matthews Music Mall will be receiving significant updates in 2016 August.

It's time to practice!

                       It’s time to practice!

August 1st – 5th, virtual accompaniment tracks for select piano exercises and etudes, from Hanon, Czerny Op.261, and Czerny Op.821, have been added to the Gym. BYOB. (Buy here.)

Throughout the month, and frequently henceforth, the Gym will be receiving more items and other stores in the mall will have practice material added to their “shelves” too!.

Stay tuned!

Gym-Hanon-Complete Gym-Czerny-261 Gym-Czerny-821

As I said, you’ll have to Bring Your Own Books as I did not include any standard sheet music pages with the accompaniment tracks. However, I did include a video chord sheet so that, after you’ve stated the theme, you’ll have a schematic on which to build your variations… (your solo!)

I made each book’s main page default-scroll down to an optional loop utility–instructions for which are on-board. Otherwise, scroll back up to the area where you can make your selections.

More later!

Practice well and have fun!