Tag Archives: 6ths

"Gotta get to my study room!"

AC #42 Intervalics 101 (8ths)

PartyBalloonsOkay! It’s time to take a look at the last interval of the series!  champagne-celebration

8ths – a.k.a. octaves. These intervals are easily identified because both notes share the same letter name.  When written in standard music notation, the upper note will occupy a space if the lower note is on a line and vice versa, notwithstanding any accidentals which may be attached to either note.

Several perfect octaves are illustrated in the graphics just below.

Harmonic and Melodic 8ths on a treble staff

On the piano keyboard, both notes of a perfect octave share the same letter name and they are 8 major scale steps apart (up or down).


 Play some octaves starting on as many keys as you can with this playable onscreen piano keyboard.

Major Scale Legend
1-8 = scale steps
w = whole step (major 2nd)
1/2= half step (minor 2nd)
1 w 2 w 3 1/2 4 w 5 w 6 w 7 1/2 8

The most commonly used accidentals are shown in the lineup just below followed by examples of the most common occurrences of 8ths in the key of C.

= natural
= sharp
X = double sharp
= flat
♭♭ = double flat

Perfect 8th = C to C (The 8th note of a major scale remains unmodified)
Augmented 8th = C to C (The 8th note of a major scale is sharped once)
Minor 8th *(N/A)
*(Minor functionality isn’t allowed on any perfect interval.)
Diminished 8th = C to C **(The 8th note of a major scale is flatted once)
**(Perfect intervals become diminished with only one flat)

This link will open an Acrobat/Adobe flash type of applet where you’ll be asked to correctly match ten intervals via a drag-n-drop process. Doing the exercise at least 4 or 5 times will give you an introductory workout on identifying and matching the intervals in C and other keys.

After working with the “open-book” drag-and-drop drill exercises in this section, move on and dive into some deeper waters with the staff and keyboard exercises just below.

Dive into “deeper waters” with these staff and keyboard exercises

The blue staff 2 or 8 opens a page where only numeric values are required in your answer.

A pictorial link to staff drills on 2nds thru 8ths Clicking the treble staff or keyboard icon opens a respective interval ID page where numeric and quality values are required.

Staff Drills Keyboard Drills Staff Drills Staff Drills

Since each exercise utility is never-ending and presents questions indefinitely, you may want to set some type of completion benchmark for yourself such as, answering 25 up to 100 questions correctly or using the timer, located at the top of each utility, to set a time limit, such as 5 to 10 minutes. 

In any case, keep working until you have a success rate that’s between 90% and 100%.

Study well and have fun,

See you next post,

"Gotta get to my study room!"

AC #41 Intervalics 101 (1sts-7ths)

Interval Roundup

Wanted Poster

Go To 1sts Post Go To 2nds Post Go To 3rds Post Go To 4ths Post Go To 5ths Post Go To 6ths Post Go To 7ths Post

This post is a round-up and review of the intervals we’ve covered in the series up to this point. The things I intended to cover in this series, like interval ID and modification, were done earlier.  For your convenience, I’ve included lots of links to each of the earlier posts in numerical order.

Go To 1sts Post Go To 2nds Post Go To 3rds Post Go To 4ths Post Go To 5ths Post Go To 6ths Post Go To 7ths Post

Cowgirl and Cowboy Rounds 'em Up

Knowing all of the intervals within an octave enhances your musicianship in lots of ways. Your voicing, ear training, transposition, and reading abilities are among the things it enhances.

Construction of Intervals (1sts thru 7ths) from the steps of a Major Scale

Start with #1 then select any other scale step. Extract both numbers and your interval is created!

Major Scale Legend (a.k.a Major Heptachord {since we stop at 7})
1-7 = scale steps
w = whole step (major 2nd)
1/2=  half step (minor 2nd)
1 w 2 w 3 1/2 4 w 5 w 6 w 7

Play a major heptachord in as many keys as you can with this playable onscreen piano keyboard.
Start with any key and follow the schematic’s instructions, step-by-step, (or 1/2 step where needed). 

Construction of Generic Intervals 1sts – 7ths from the 7-Letter Music Alphabet


Simply choose any two letters and your generic interval is instantly created. If there’s only 1 letter in between the 2 you’ve chosen,  you have a 3rd. If there are 2 letters in between, you have a 4th etc.
*(All accidentals are excluded In generic intervals. Only letter names and staff position matter.)

When written in standard music notation, intervals from 1sts thru the 7ths look like this in C

Harmonic and melodic intervals on a treble staff

Go To 1sts Post Go To 1sts Post Go To 2nds Post Go To 2nds Post Go To 4ths Post Go To 4ths Post Go To 5ths Post Go To 5ths Post Go To 6ths Post Go To 6ths Post Go To 7ths Post Go To 7ths Post

Keep the following points in mind:

 1. The staff represents a piano’s white keys only. The black keys are notated by accidentals. (Staff steps, unmodified by accidentals, are whole steps, except for the half steps at E to F and B to C) (One staff step = the distance from any staff line to the very next staff space or vice versa, up or down)

 Click here for the onscreen piano keyboard

(The video below shows intervalic 7ths being played up and down an octave in the key of C.)

I recommend practicing rudiments of any type in “musical” contexts because it provides more avenues to make music with the rudiments before starting to apply and use them in songs. 

Reveal this hidden “You Play” version: (to play along with the rhythm section without me)

This link will open an Acrobat/Adobe flash type of applet where you’ll be asked to correctly match ten intervals via a drag-n-drop process. Doing the exercise at least 4 or 5 times will give you an introductory workout on identifying and matching the intervals in C and other keys.

After working with the “open-book” drag-and-drop drill exercises in this section, move on and dive into some deeper waters with the staff and keyboard exercises just below.

Dive into “deeper waters” with these staff and keyboard exercises

The blue staff 2 or 7 opens a page where only numeric values are required in your answer.

A pictorial link to staff drills on 2nds thru 7thsClicking the treble staff or keyboard icon opens a respective interval ID page where numeric and quality values are required. 

Staff Drills Keyboard Drills Staff Drills Staff Drills

Since each exercise utility is never-ending and presents questions indefinitely, you may want to set some type of completion benchmark for yourself such as, answering 25 up to 100 questions correctly or using the timer, located at the top of each utility, to set a time limit, such as 5 to 10 minutes. 

In any case, keep working until you have a success rate that’s between 90% and 100%.

Study well and have fun,

See you next post,

"Gotta get to my study room!"

AC #39 Intervalics 101 (6ths)

Intro / Op-Ed

Sixths are consonant intervals that add stability to many situations where stability is desired. They’re beautiful sounding intervals that add richness to the music in which they are used. Things like block chords, melodic passages, and improvisations are enhanced with their use.     

Hopefully,  the mechanics of transforming major intervals into their other states of modification is “old hat” Image of an old collapsible top hat to you by now.  With that said, we’ll quickly move through this post and the rest of this series starting from here. If you have any questions, just sign-up for a few lessons.

Construction of Major 6ths from the numerical scale steps of Hexachords

Hexachords are 6-note scales. The Major Hexachord is a  major scale subgroup that’s comprised of major scale notes 1 thru 6.  Extracting the 1st and 6th notes make a major 6th.

Major Hexachord Legend
1-6 = scale steps
w = whole step (major 2nd)
1/2=  half step (minor 2nd)
w  w  3 1/2  4 w  6

If you start with C and follow the schematic’s instructions, step-by-step, the C major hexachord will  reveal itself on your piano’s white keys. Play the hexachord in the keys of G, D, A and E too.

Construction of Generic 6ths from the 7-Letter Musical Alphabet


1. Select any letter from the 7-letter sequence
(In doing that you’ve established the interval’s letter name and root… think of it as scale step “1”.)

2. Skip over the next 3 scale steps.
(In doing that you’re skipping over scale steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 because your mission is to make a 6th.)

3. Having skipped over scale steps 2, 3, 4, and 5, select the very next letter in the sequence.
(In doing that, you’ve selected scale step “6” as the interval’s upper note and then you extract scale steps 1 and 6.)

That’s it! You’ve constructed a 6th… a generic 6th*.
*(All accidentals are excluded In generic intervals. Only letter names and staff position matters.)

6ths – These intervals may be identified by their letter names because both letter names are the 1st and 6th letters of an alphabetically sequenced 6-letter string (hexachord).

When written in standard music notation, 6ths will have exactly 4 unoccupied staff steps in between the interval’s lower and upper notes–a space/line/space/line, OR, a line/space/line/space. Also, four alphabetically sequenced letters will be skipped over.

Harmonic and melodic intervals on a treble staff

Keep the following points in mind:

1. The staff represents a piano’s white keys only. The black keys are notated by accidentals. (Staff steps, unmodified by accidentals, are whole steps, except for the half steps at E to F and B to C) (One staff step = the distance from any staff line to the very next staff space or vice versa, up or down)

2. Every staff line and every staff space correlates to a specific white key on the piano.
(This point applies to all ledger lines and ledger spaces.)

3. If 4 consecutive staff steps are skipped over, 4 correlating piano keys are also skipped over!  (This “skip-over/fly-over” concept and analogy is illustrated in the key of C in the photos just below.) (Your eyes skip-over the 4 staff steps while your fingers “fly-over” the 4 correlating piano keys.)

Illustration of notes being skipped and flown over

  (The video below shows 6ths being used in block chords and descending scale passages.)

The most commonly used accidentals are shown in the lineup just below followed by examples of the most common occurrences of 6ths in the key of C.

= natural
= sharp
X = double sharp
= flat
♭♭ = double flat

Major 6th = C to A (The major 6th is unmodified)
Augmented 6th = C to A (The major 6th is sharped once)
Minor 6th = C to A (The major 6th is flatted once)
Diminished 6th = C to A♭♭ (The major 6th is flatted twice)

This link will open an Acrobat/Adobe flash type of applet where you’ll be asked to correctly match ten intervals via a drag-n-drop process. Doing the exercise at least 4 or 5 times will give you an introductory workout on identifying and matching the intervals in C and other keys.

Study well and have fun,

See you next post,